Kaamosvaellus 2010

Ryhmä: Kalppinokat

Jäsenet: Antti K., Antti N., Juhani, Yimo, Miila ja Sami

Language of this hike diary is partly Finnish, partly English.


First hiking day, 3.1.2010

Saanajärven päivätuvalla. Kaikki hyvin syöneet ja astiat tiskattu. Muusi puskee korvista ulos. Huomisen tavoitteena Saarijärvi.

Antti N. kävi ryhmästämme ainoana Saanan huipulla mastolla ja mökillä asti ja kirjoittaa siitä näin: Aivan huikeat maisemat. Kannatti tulla. Anteeksi muulle ryhmälle, joka kiltisti odotti kylmissään, jotta pääsin käymään huipulla. Mökissä asti en ehtinyt käydä. Ensi kerralla sitten.

Keli oli hulppea! Ei liian kylmä eikä ihan liian kuuma. Ehka -12-15 astetta. Huiputuksen jälkeen hankimme lämpöä ylämäkeen hiihdolla. Etenkin ahkion kiskominen saa lämpimäksi. Pimeäkin ehti jo yllättää ennen kuin viimeiset kämpän löysivät.

- Ryhmän jäsenet

How the world looks like from the top of Saana.


Second hiking day, 4.1.2010

Tänään oli taas hyvä hiihtosää. Pakkasta pari astetta enemmän kuin eilen ja aamusta pieni tuulenvire. Saanajärven ohitettuamme löysimme sopivasti karttaan merkitsemättömän poromiesten kodan, jossa porontaljoilla istuessamme päätimme pitaa lounastauon. Tuulikin loppui sen aikana sopivasti ja loppupäivän saimmekin jatkaa ihan tyvenellä säällä. Saarijärven tuvalla oli hirveä ryysis (3 ryhmää n. 20 henkeä) joten yhden ryhmän ajoimme pihalle telttoihin nukkumaan -19 asteen pakkaseen ja toiset jatkamaan matkaansa seuraavalle tuvalle Kuorna-joelle.

Tähtitaivas oli upea ja allekirjoittanut näki tähdenlennonkin :)

- Antti N.

Reittisuunnitelma on nyt kyllä täysin muuttunut. Oli alunperin tarkoitus hiihdellä Saanalta Ailakkajärvelle, ja sitten siitä etelään aina Ropille asti.. Melko kunnianhimoiselta tuntuupi nyt kun ei näytetä pitävän yllä ihan hirmuvauhtia. Siispä saatamme lopulta päätyä juurikin Ailakkajärvelle ja siitä tielle bussia odottamaan. Huomenna ehkä vietämme koko päivän tämän tuvan tietämillä.

Kyllä oli kauniita maisemia matkalla! Vaikka tuuli puree kylmästi ajoittain, ja tauolla aina jäähtyy nopsaan, saa avara tunturi ja upeat taivaan värit kylmänkin unohtumaan, välillä. Ainakin minulle on uutta täällä olossa se, että ei ole jatkuvasti edes lähellä paikkaa jossa lämmitellä. On siis uudenlainen kiinnostava kokemus ja haaste kun lämpö tulee pitää yllä liikkumalla ja vaaatetta lisäämällä.

Tuvissa on tunnelmaa ja leppoisaa jutustella. Kyllä kelpaa kronikkavihkoonkin kirjoitella kynttilänvalossa.

Kyllä on alkanut suksi luistaa tässä ensimmäisten hiihtopätkien aikana myös kiinalaisvahvistuksellamme Yimolla!

- Miila

Boys with some evening activities: food and technical instruments. From left to right: Sami, Antti K., Juhani and Antti N.



Third hiking day, 5.1.2010

This is the third day of our hiking trip. Miila told me I can write everything just now, so I decided to have a brief overview of these 3 days.

3.1. We start our trip at night and went to Kilpisjärvi. Excited but a little worried.

We climbed Saana, a mountain with a very special shape. That's the first time I saw such a big moon. I love it, which usually seen in the television and in my dream, but first time in reality.

I am not good at skiing, so I fell many times. But I am able to do uphill with the help of other group members. They thought me a lot about skiing. I made a little progress.. But we still could not find the hut before dark, then I fell often.. Juhani borrowed me his effective sticks and Antti took my backbag. Finally, I arrived at the hut. Tired and sleepy. I really want to have a long rest..

4.1. We went to Saarijärvi passing by Norway! The route today is flat as there are many lakes. There would be some big noise like a bomb in the mountain. Sami said it often happens. I think the structure of the lake ice might change because of us! Antti told me how to slide downhill and I tried it. Hope I got the point, but still need a lot of exercise!

We arrived at the cottage before dark. There are many people there, so some have to sleep in tents. How cold they would be.. Antti made very delicious dinner: rice with meat!

We decided to stay here 1 day more as another group planned to go to our planned next destination now. Very very warm in the night inside!

5.1. Antti and Juhani went to a challengable place. I, Miila and Sami went around near our cottage. We met some reindeer! Miila and I also did some downhill practices! Antti made delicious lunch, noodles with fish and onion.

They played card games in the afternoon and I fell asleep and had some sweet dreams :) It was a good weather but just a bit colder, about -28 in the morning.

- Yimo


Fourth hiking day, 6.1.2010

We woke up and got ready to leave faster than any previous morning. Before sunrise we were outside and left for Termisjärvi. We took the route that went round the nearby steep fell. Lunch was served in the middle of nowhere. By 14.30 the last members of our party had arrived at Termisjärvi. The first thing we did was to have a closer look at Salmikuru. Photography occurred.

The evening was spent cooking, eating, playing cards and doing card tricks.

Miila continues:

This was supposed to be the coldest day, -30 degrees. We put on all our clothes and downhill glasses, but couldn't see much with them so we took them off. After all, it got sunny and not windy; an excellent skiing weather!

Antti N. and Yimo, thinking of where to go next.


Fifth hiking day, 7.1.2010

In the morning we left Termisjärvi for Ailakkajärvi. It was the most brilliant weather and we arrived before dark already.

We knew that there would be a steep hill along the way and that especially Yimo could have difficulties there. The rise was hard but nevertheless Yimo showed real scout spirit. Unlike we expected, we managed to reach Ailakkajärvi before sundown. In the evening we (tried to) made really good dessert - apple pie - for Juhani's birthday. Unfortunately pie proved once again something I already knew, that is the lid of trangia always burns everything. Unburned parts were delicious though. Got Antti N., Juhani and Yimo, a Tex Willer found on the cabin table was the first one they ever read.

Tex Willer offered some great entertainment. Cheers Tex!

Birthday-Apple pie that burned a bit but still tasted good!


Antti N. huomautti: välillä oli niin kylmä, että tuntui niin kuin Mörkö olisi tullut käymään.

Picture of Mörkö, artistic view by Antti N.


Sixth hiking day, 8.1.2010

Today started up bright, and then snowfall and mist came. However later it got sunny again so we were able to see our way towards the road, through the last hills.

Ailakkajärvi hut, on the last morning.


The skiing through the forest was tough, but we finally arrived at the road. It was almost dark by that time. We cooked some rice for dinner and had a dessert, too. We put up two tents and spent our last trip night in them. It's a little cold and wet, but this made our hiking trip perfect.

We got up at about 4.30 am to catch the bus. It was a little bit late, but it CAME :)

The bus arrived at Olos in the afternoon. We had sauna and delicious lunch at the hotel. After 15 we started back towards Oulu! The bus is full of people who had enjoyed their one-week hiking trip in Lapland!

- Yimo


Then back to the world filled with other things than endless hills and skiing from one place to another.. but, these beautiful morning colours celebrated the great trip we had and the new adventures that come with each and every day! :)